Saturday 30 March 2013

ADE Institute Bali 2013

The last few days have been shrouded in secrecy.  The reason for this is that I have been attending my first Apple Distinguished Educator conference in Bali, and it was the single most valuable professional development I have ever attended.  The reason for the secrecy is in fact because there were over 300 educators in attendance for five days, each carrying an average of three Apple devices, and security was tight.   In addition there have been a few announcements that we still need to stay tight-lipped about – none of which are trade secrets but they will involve further announcements to other ADEs around the world.  
I have come away from this with many things, including an incredible amount of insightful comments about a wide range of topics, and a profound sense of community amongst fellow ADEs.  Many topics discussed had very little to do with Apple products themselves, such as Challenge-Based Learning, the SAMR model, TPack and flipping the classroom.  The conversations I had will have  many direct consequences on our recent 1:1 iPad trial with students and many teachers, and for that alone I am grateful.  It truly did open my eyes to the notion that there are thousands of other teachers in the world who are also pushing boundaries and coming up with new models of assessment and teaching and learning and ways of integrating technology into the classroom.  Inspirational stuff.

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